30 July, 2012

Tobe's Vertical Adventure

Tobe fan art by http://odrawing.deviantart.com/

Today, I played Tobe's (and Nana's) Vertical Adventure. For those who don't know what it is, it is a game. An indie one. You jump, then you fall, and then you jump again. The usual platformer. As simple as it seems it was lots of fun. Though I had problems setting up the controls at first.

Four worlds, four levels each. A total of sixteen levels in which you can warp around the sides of the screen, collect tons of treasure that you store god-knows-where and rescue eighty innocent animals who just happen to be there, innocently. Sort of feels like Pacman, if Pacman ate crystals instead of pellets. Also just like Pacman, enemies never die. Though, unlike Pacman, you can jump, wall jump, pull levers and you got items.

The goal of each level is to go all the way down, where an huge treasure chest lies. What is in the chest? No idea. But once you have opened it the entire level begins to collapse. Then a timer appears on top of the screen and starts counting down.
If there was one thing I learned playing Doom Troopers was that the entire level collapsing while a timer displays on the screen is a very bad signal. You must have invaded Doofenshmirtz secret treasure cave to find an huge chest with a "this cave will auto destroy in two minutes" function built-in.

To clear a level you must then go all the way up. To the start point where you began your treasure hunting adventure thinking "I must go all the way down". While you are going up, you will notice some walls are gone. Which means some treasure before inaccessible is now easy to get. But there is a timer. And some levels require a little planning to get everything without dying and on time. Once you get on top you escape with all your treasure and innocent animals.

I just finished beating it with Tobe. But it seems you can play with Nana too, she is slower but she can double jump. In my book everybody who can double jump is cool, like Alucard and Zero. It also seems you can play the game with two players in a same computer.
Perhaps I should try the Steam achievements too. After all, they are achievements.

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